Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Happy Easter!

Okay, so, a bit late, but I hope that you all had a great holiday. Being away from home over Easter was actually a bit difficult, but I finally broke down and purchased a phone card, so I had a nice chat with the parents which helped tremendously.

As usual, the weather on Easter took a turn for the worse and was gross and cold and rainy. This tempted Sam and I to blow off going to church and stay home in our pajamas, but it was Easter after all, so we bundled up and headed out to locate the church. We decided to go to Onnuri English Ministry, a part of Onnuri Community Church, which is apparently one of the biggest churches in Korea. It was a bit of a hike on the subway, and we weren't sure what we would find when we got there, but we're always up for an adventure.

It was an interesting experience. The only slightly strange thing was that although it was, in fact, Easter, the holy day of holy days, it was only mentioned a few times and the service was pretty much "business as usual", which was slightly disappointing. However, the band was really good, and I enjoyed the praise music a lot. The service was pretty packed and there was a big blend of Koreans and foreigners which was nice. The pastor, who spoke amazing English, was really young, energetic, and funny and Sam and I both enjoyed his sermon, an interesting take on the David and Goliath story. Some of his points were good talking points for us during the day, which I think always says something about a sermon. We ran into Lindsey and her friend Paul on our way out, so that was a nice surprise, too! I think we will definitely be back to that service, but also want to check out a few closer to our apartments.

After we got home we broke out the egg dying-kit that my mother sent in our care package and had some good old-fashioned Easter fun. Almost all of the eggs in Korea are brown, though, so only a few colors took. And, we really wanted hard-boiled egg in our tuna salad like right now so we only ended up actually decorating 4. But it brought much festivity to our drizzly Easter day, so, thanks mamma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw, I love the Easter post! It sounds like you guys are having a great time and really getting in with all the Korean culture... I had Pei Wei yesterday and thought of y'all.

Keep posting! We love reading them!

Dave, Abbie and of course Jack <3