Well, I had all of these grand plans to upload the photos from our recent adventures with the family Hosack but alas we have entered into "The Intensive Zone" and it is sucking the life-force out of me for sure. That's right summer in Korea can only mean one thing... more classes! Public schools are out and that means our little Korean workhorses errr I mean students are now taking an extra course in the mornings instead of doing what most of their American counterparts are doing: waking up at noon, playing video games all day, etc.
We switched a few things around schedule-wise as well, so instead of our normal 3-10 schedule we are now working various hours from 9-7. I've gone from teaching just under 19 hours a week to just over 31 hours. Luckily this will decrease some in a couple of weeks when we get another teacher. Then I'll teach 9:30-10:45 and 3-7. Head Teacher Sam teaches wayyyy less, in case you were wondering, so he has no excuse for not updating the blog. Except that he has actually been "working", but whatever :)
So, suffice it to say all I have gotten around to is uploading the 400+ photos we took in Jeju and loading the DMZ pictures to the picture page. I'll give you a couple of "teaser" pics from Jeju where Tom and Laurie climbed a mountain (literally) while Sam and I laid by the pool (literally).

The pictures are gorgeous! What a great place to lie on the beach. Also my fav is you and Sam hiding behind the -- what in the world are you hiding behind? That is the cutest picture! Will look forward to seeing more of the pictures.
Mom H
i wouldnt call what i am doing "hiding"...
i could never be a sniper...
We are home, but "homesick" for you two. We had a fabulous time with special memories of the subways, the steps (millions) up and down to the subways, tense moments at the DMZ, climbing to the cave in the side of a sheer cliff, taking a bus ride 3 hours away without the benefit of Sam teacher and Alison teacher, the awesome food-Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, sitting on the floor to eat my food, climbing to the top of the tallest mountain in Korea (and my bruise to prove it), shopping with Alison, our Korean Jam sil tourist hotel with the sit-on-the-floor dressing table, struggling to communicate in Korean Hangul and not always succeeding, "riots" at city hall, touring palaces and museums, visiting Alison teacher's classroom and seeing the kid's eyes go big and who can forget washing my hands with sugar water at the coffee shop!
These were the special memories-there are so many more! Many thanks to Sam and Alison and a thumbs up for visiting Korea.
another mom H
If Sam could just master the "Korean squat" it would make hiding behind kimchi pots much easier. I should write an entire post on the Korean spot... now to take some covert pictures...
i love the picture of you and sam on the beach!!!
love you!
i love the picture of you and sam on the beach!!!
love you!
looks like the hosack falmyl had a great time...can't wait to see more pictures. katie has a friend leaving for korea this fall to tach in jeju for 2 years.
ok...so i didn't reread my comment and catch all the typos...i was too busy figuring out just how to post!!!
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