Monday, April 28, 2008
New Picture page
Also, we've had a bit of a blog explosion recently. So, make sure you scroll all the way down to catch up on our lives, which have been busier than normal recently. You could also, you know, leave a comment so that we don't feel so lonely :)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Best Day in Korea So Far

Saturday, April 26, 2008
Rooftop BBQ and a Noreabang

Sunday, April 20, 2008
Changdeokgung and Insadong
All of the eves are brightly painted and so pretty to see. The different colors all have a meaning, but I can't remember now what those meanings are.
This is the part of the palace that the last of the royal family lived in until 1989. The palace has been destroyed and rebuilt many times. Construction first began on the palace in 1405 and the Japanese burned most of it down in 1592. Things have always been tense between Korea and Japan and it seems that there is not a single building that has not been destroyed and rebuilt because of conflicts between the two.
These flowers are blooming all over the city and they are gorgeous! There were huge bushes of them on the palace grounds. Thanks, Jordan, for the picture! It proves that Sam and I are actually in South Korea together :)
Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and spoke great English.
Unfortunately, all of the ponds had been drained for cleaning, but the "Secret Garden" or "Forbidden Garden" was still gorgeous. It was fun to imagine what it must have been like hundreds of years ago with kings and queens strolling around.
After the palace, we decided to walk around Insadong. Insadong is a bit of a tourist trap, but its a fun place where both older Korean traditions and the present are on display everywhere you look. Here, a woman makes traditional tteok cakes.
Here, a man dressed as some sort of animal sells balloons.
We also stopped at "The Old Teashop" for some cold tea. I had quince tea, a favorite of the Joseon Dynasty royalty. It was delicious. My guidebook had promised birds would be flying around the shop, but alas, we only saw a few in a cage.
After the tea we happened upon the Knife Gallery, where Sam and Jordan had a great (nerdy) time viewing the Lord of the Rings paraphenalia that was on display. They declared it the best 1000 won they've spent in the city... hmmm.
Afterwards we headed back to Olympic Park and ate dinner at a Chinese food restaurant there. We also attended the grand opening of the Cold Stone Creamery in the shopping center. We also discovered that the palace is open on Thursday mornings without the tour, so we will definitely be going back to practice our photography skills. We hope you all had a great weekend, too!
I'm Baaaaaaaack!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Why I love/hate my job
Here's a walk through the joys of my MWF. My first period is a class that comes to English academy every single day. How they stand it, I have no idea. But they have recently discovered the "Alison-Sam" connection and like to celebrate our love by randomly yellng "Congratulations" during class. Today I walked in to find this on the board.
They like to spread out. We've got Jasmine in the front (top of the level!) Prima, Annie, Jennie, and Sophia and Mike in the back. Mike makes weird noises alot, which the girls do not appreciate so much!
Here we have James and Stephen. In his assignment last week, a paragraph on what their lives would be like when the grow up, James wrote that he would like his job to be "killing men" because "killing is beautiful". Yikes. He also wrote that he would like for his car to be a Hyundai Sonata. A few things. 1. I get it James, you hate my class, but don't let it drive you to killing people! 2. If you are going to be a killer for hire, maybe you could aim higer than a Sonata...
John is maybe the biggest nerd ever. But he's super cute!!!
Jenny, from my 2nd period class, always leaves me stickers on her quiz. I put the stickers on my attendance sheet folder, which makes her insanely happy.
Ah, the dreaded 3rd period. AKA the reason I sometimes hate my job. Here we have Steve, Jung Min, Seng Eun, Moung, David, Sally, and Tom. More on Tom later.
Luckily, though, the loves of my lives are in 4th period. They are super funny, cute, and excited all the time. Their class doesn't let out until 9:25, so Fridays are a little crazy, but they are bound and determined that I will be fluent in Korean before the semester is over. I keep having to gently reinforce the English only policy. Here we have Amy (super smart), Jack, James-2, James-1 (they use 1 &2 instead of last name initials because EVERYONE is a Kim or a Lee), Jacob, Tommy, and Stephanie.
So, there you have it. The little tyrants who rule my life from 4:10-9:25 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A Little Reflection
I just really can’t believe that we have been here for 7 weeks already. We’ve been getting more and more settled in… getting our Alien Registration Cards, phones, paying bills, eventually getting internet, etc. But I think I’m starting to realize that I will probably not feel “settled” at any time over the next year. There are constant challenges. The part of me that spent most of my college career talking about things like race and gender and ethnocentricity is suddenly faced with actually being a minority in one of the most fiercely homogenous countries on earth, and it is a challenge. I am trying to be conscious of how this feels, not to just react, but to think through the way I feel like reacting and ask myself why I feel that way. Trying to ask myself honestly how I’ve acted when I’ve been on the other end of the interaction. It’s been humbling, eye opening, thought provoking and, truth be told, kind of exhausting at times.
The other day in class a student told me that he didn’t like America. When I asked him why he told me it was because of the new Korea Free Trade Agreement. I had no idea what he was talking about. The learning curve is huge… the language, wars of the past and possibly the future, current events here and at home. How did I end up in a country I knew so little about? What an adventure.
Lately, I have also been missing my family, and those who might as well be family, quite a lot. I miss being able to pick up the phone and call one of you (without having to find a pay phone, calculate a massive time difference, etc.) and be filled in on your daily life in matter of minutes. I miss family get-togethers and the funny/ridiculous things all of the kids (and adults!) say and do. I have also, though, come to realize that I am so richly blessed to have this kind of family to miss. To know that I am half a world away, but never totally alone in the world. Thanks for that. Having Sam here helps quite a bit, too!
There have been moments, too, where things have just felt right, somehow. Moments like getting off of the subway at our stop and realizing that I didn't have to pause and wonder which way to go for the entire trip, ordering a meal entirely in Korean and actually being understood, when I put the word "zoo" on the board and the entire class finally says zzzzoooo instead of "jew".
I do feel, though, like the dust is beginning to settle a little bit. We haven’t done that much exploring since we’ve been here, and I think both of us are feeling the urge to get out of our corner of the city and really see what Seoul has to offer. I have been going through the guidebooks again and making a pretty massive list of things I’d like to see while I’m here. Now, I just need to get out and see them. It’s amazing how easy it is to fall into a rut of “hang out, work, sleep” even when you’re in an exciting new place.
For me though, the rut has been kind of nice for awhile. It’s given me time to get used to the job, read some good books, and think through some things. I’ve been thinking a lot about life and the parts of my path that I’ve chosen and those that are still wide open. I’ve been talking to God a lot about how to have a life worth living. I recently read, I think on someone else’s blog, actually (sorry I don’t remember who you are!!) that if you are far enough away to see the “big picture” you’re not really in it, and that the big picture is made up of smaller steps, each of which you should try to thoroughly embrace and enjoy. So, I will, for the moment, stop worrying about what to do when we get home, and focus on this step that I’m on… focus on embracing it and enjoying it, with joy.
Sorry to get all introspective on you our… dozen(?) of readers. I promise my next entry will have lots of pictures of interesting things, or something, to make up for it :)
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Weekend Wanderings

Then, we began the long process of hauling 8 pounds of cheese (you cannot find decent cheese here to save your life), 5 bags of pasta, pillows, towels (regular sized!), tobasco, wine, crackers, caesar wraps, fabric softener, bagels, etc. home. This involved the most terrifying cab ride of my life (think cement mixer inches from my door with me basically jumping into Kendra's lap!) splitting stuff up, then taking another cab to drop the rest of the stuff off. I've realized that in this city I have climbed more stairs than I had in my life to date and I am constantly carrying stuff. Lots of stuff. But boy, does that cheese taste amazing!! It's also funny what comforts I "miss the most" from home. What do you think you'd miss?
Friday, April 4, 2008
Picture Page is ready
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Adventure on Line 7
So, I managed to snag a seat and settled in with my iPod and The Other Boleyn Girl for a pretty lengthy ride. Then, approximately 4 stops into the ride the subway makes what seems to be a normal stop... and then doesn't start. After one announcement in Korean a few people get off the train. Since most people seem to be staying I decide I'll give it another few minutes. Then several more Korean announcements occur in rapid succession and about half the people get off the train. At this point I realize that I need to make some sort of decision, so I get off the train. It smells like burning and there is an angry mob forming around someone who looks like he probably works for the system (he was wearing a conducter hat and white gloves, I made an assumption). So, I consult my subway map, realize that transfer-wise I'm in the worst place possible, and decide that I'll try to catch a cab to my transfer point, as I have no idea where the trouble on the line is.
After hiking up the 15 flights of stairs to the street level I attempt to catch a cab. Unfortunately there is a mob of approximately 47 ajummas (older Korean women who are notoriously aggressive when it comes to transportation) and after getting physically shoved and elebowed out of the way for the 14th time I decide to walk a little farther to try and catch a cab a few blocks away.
As I'm waiting to cross the street I hear "Excuse me, excuse me!" and get a tap on the shoulder. I turned around and a young man tells me "Hello! I see you on the subway and think to myself, maybe she needs some help, so I have come to see what I can do for you." So, I pull out my subway map and show him where I'm headed. He thinks for a minute and tells me the bus is probably my best option, so he then walks me (I'm pretty sure 10 minutes out of his way) to a bus stop, consults with a few other people, and tells me where I need to go. Along the way we had a nice chat about what he's studying and how he'd lived in Seoul his entire life and had never ever been on a subway that had broken down... go figure! This was seriously the first random act of kindness I've experienced here, and it's done a lot to restore my faith in this city. So, boy who's name I can't remember, thank you so much for helping me find my way to school... even if I couldn't figure out where to make the bus transfer and ended up taking a cab to my subway transfer point... your kindness was much much appreciated.